FLUID PAINTING Mercedes Ley Florit, nacida en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.1970 Artista plástica licenciada en Bellas Artes , con especialidad en pintura. Su trabajo se basa especialmente en sin más intención que el azar, en el fluir imprevisible de la materia en continuo movimiento. El resultado es un suceso casual y azaroso que no puede determinarse antes de que se produzca. Sublima los aspectos más simples de la naturaleza en continuo movimiento. Los elementos que fluyen, los elementos del cambio. Fluid painting, resin finish 40cm. 2021. 206€ Fluid painting, resin finish 50cm, ...
MERCEDES LEY Oil Paintings lunes, 3 de junio de 2013 FEEL LIKE...20 Mercedes Ley is an artist from Gran Canaria, Spain. She studied Fine Arts,basically a drawer, no matter whether it is graphite pencil or oil paintings. Her work focuses on reality and its representation by means of a restrictive iconography.Before there were leaves or stones, and more recently water. They are all a poetic pretext to influence the spectator´s perception. Mercedes Ley´s artwork is based on an approach to matter with a transcendental evocation,going through the elements´ physical conditions. "FEEL LIKE...", the series of work on show , features some artistic renderings of water life , an excuse to demonstrate the transmutation of elements, from the most physical reality to the most intangible one. Its physical structure ser...